Electrical Rescue Steps

Electrical Rescue Techniques

Electrical accidents cause countless injuries. Injury could be minimized and many lives saved if proper rescue techniques and treatments are used.

Let us discuss Rescue Techniques in detail.

(a) Approaching the accident 

  •  Never rush into an accident situation 
  •  Call 108 as soon as possible 
  •  Approach the accident place cautiously.
                            Physiological effect of electric current - WikiLectures
(b) Examining the scene  
  • Visually examine victims to determine if they are in contact with energized conductors. 
  •  Metal surfaces, objects near the victim may also be energized.   
                                         First Aid For Electric Shock Poster - The Guide Ways 
  •  Do  not touch the victim or conductive surfaces while they are energized. 
  •  Switch off the electrical circuits if possible.
(c) Hazards and solutions
  •  Be alert for hazards, such as heated surfaces and fire etc. 
  •  In case you cannot switch off the power source, take extreme care.  
  •  Ensure that your hands and feet are dry.
                         Blog - Correct Installation
  • Wear protective equipment, such as gloves and shoes. Stand on a clean dry surface 
  • Use non-conductive material to remove a victim from the conductor.
(d) High voltage rescue
  • Special training is required for rescues if high voltage is present.
  • Protective equipment, such as gloves and shoes must be worn.
(e) First aid
  • A victim may require Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). 
  • If the victim is breathing and has a heartbeat, give first aid for injuries and treat for shock. 
  • Ensure the victim gets medical care as soon as possible. 
  • Physician attending the victim must have detailed information to properly diagnose and care for the victim. 
  • The physician must determine whether the victim should be sent to a Trauma or Burn Centre
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